My little Lilly bug is 10-Months old! Oh how time flies! We are starting to plan for her first birthday! Wow! It is so much fun watching her grow and learn new things. She has a fun personality. We definitely see traits from both her mom and dad in her! We took her to the Dr. for her 9-Month check-up a week before she turned 10-Months, so here are her stats: Weight: 21 lbs. 76 % Height: 28 in. 51 % Head: 44 cm. 41%
Here are the painful Boppy pictures (because we have to have them!) and a few others.
My mom bought Lilly this cute snow outfit. She has used the outfit for warmth, but has never gone in the snow with it! When Trevor's brother Trent and his wife Tiona were here, we took our kids in the snow.
If you've every seen the movie A Christmas Story you know the character, Randy. You know the part when his mom bundles him up for school and he can't put his arms down? That is what Lilly reminds me of! Although she can move, she doesn't!
Here are Carter and Lilly posing together. Carter was a wiggle worm in his outfit, and Lilly wouldn't move a muscle!
Why do you guys like to torture me???
Family in the snow
Lilly's first sledding experience! She couldn't/wouldn't hold on, so that didn't go very well!
Lilly and mommy
She didn't really know what to think of the snow, but I had fun! I tried to get her to eat the snow, but she wouldn't! (It wasn't even yellow! It was freshly fallen snow!!!)
Here is Lilly with her "My First Christmas" shirt, posing 2 days before her first Christmas!
Lilly and Mommy
Christmas morning. Here is what Santa and Mommy and Daddy left her. Lilly was sick and we had not given her any medicine yet. She did not know what to think! Poor little bug! Trying to figure out what this thing is! After we did Christmas morning at our own house we went to Trevor's parents. Here is Lilly with her doll that Great-Grandma Foust gave her. Lilly taking in all this Christmas stuff in the rocker!After the Foust's, we went to my parents house.
Great-Grandma Barbara gave Lilly this gift. Here she is on a ride! I think she likes it!
Lilly somewhat opening a gift! This present ended up being Daddy's favorite! It's these really neat stacking toys that can stack on top of each other or make different size balls. If you've been to our house since Christmas, you know what I'm talking about!
Here is Lilly with her house from Grandma and Grandpa! This house does so many cool things! She LOVES it!
My parents made a really yummy brunch and my brother and his kids came over. After that we went to my Aunt Sherri's house for dinner and more fun. My poor mom got the stomach flu while we were at my Aunt's, so we didn't stay long!
My poor sister also had the awful stomach flu on Christmas (she had it all day), and she forgot to bring Lilly's gifts with her, so we went over to her house at the end of the night. Here Lilly is finally getting the hang of opening a present! Her very last present of the night!
Christmas was so much fun this year! I love the magic that it brings with kids! I can't wait until the years to come! Thank you to everyone who helped make this Christmas so wonderful! We loved spending a lot of time with family during the holidays! We are so grateful for our families and for the Savior. I hope you all had a wonderful, magical Christmas like we did!
For my dad's birthday this year, we celebrated at Olive Garden (YUMMO) and went to see the lights at Temple Square afterward. The day before I was struck with the 24-hour flu bug! (YUCKO). I was afraid I would not make it to the celebration, but I felt just fine that day! Hurray! Anyway, I only took a few pics, but we had lots of fun!
Here is Lilly with Grandpa. Her shirt says, "Grandpa's Girl".
Here is Lilly all bundled up ready to face the bitter cold!
Lilly watching the Nativity with Daddy!
Our little family at the lights.
We had a great time despite the cold! I think my dad had a great time, too!
On the 29th of December Trevor and his brother's were playing basketball. Trevor took a spill and caught himself with his hand, breaking the radial head in his elbow! OUCH! He went to the Dr. that day, they put his arm in a sling and referred him to a specialist. The next day they had a big basketball game planned with all of Trevor's buddies. He insisted he was fine! (Whatever!) He played one-armed and still scored 8 points! (P.S. He broke his right arm and he is right-handed!) Later that day we went to the specialist and he immediately told Trevor he needed surgery because his bone was shattered! He said once he got in there, he would look at the bone to see if he could piece it back together or if he would have to do a radial head replacement. Your own bone is, of course, the best option, but he would do what was best.
Yesterday (Tuesday the 5th) Trevor had his surgery. Everything went really well. The Dr. was great, the anesthesiologist, and the nurses were great as well. The Dr. told us the bone was broken into 16 pieces so he did the replacement. Before we knew it, the surgery was over and he was in recovery. The recovery took a while as Trevor was in A LOT of pain! After the pain meds FINALLY kicked in, we were able to come home! He has a splint on his arm and is still wearing a sling.
Next Friday we will go to the Dr. to get the splint removed. He will then put on a brace and start Trevor on physical therapy! The recovery should only be about 6 weeks! He is doing well. It was a little uncomfortable for him to sleep last night. The biggest problem is that he has had the hiccups almost all day today!!! He took Loritab yesterday, but today is only taking Ibuprofen, so the pain is not much if any, which is a good thing! Hopefully things continue to go this well!
Trevor's dad watched Lilly during the surgery and his mom came with to keep me company. When we got home, my parents were there waiting with dinner! Yummy! Thank you to both of our parents for their generosity! We really appreciate it. Today we received a basket full of sugar cookies from Trevor's brother, Trent and his wife, Tiona! Thank you for the yummy cookies! Trevor would not let me take any pictures, so the only picture for this post is of the delicious cookie basket! (Sorry, Trent, they would not take pictures during the surgery!)
This year for Christmas Eve, we went to Trevor's parents house. Trevor's brother, Trent, his wife Tiona, and their son Carter were able to be here this year for Christmas. It was SO much fun to have them here! The 4 cousins on the Foust side were able to play together (as much as they do at this age!) The brothers and dad were able to play A LOT of basketball and video games. (There would have been more basketball, but there was an unfortunate incident where Trevor broke his arm!) The girls got to spend a lot of time talking and taking care of the kids! (Tiona and I got in a little craft time, too!)
This is how much luck we were having with Carter and Lilly posing together for pictures!
Lilly giving Carter his Christmas present (or something like that...)
Connor playing with his truck
Lilly playing with her new phone in her cute Santa outfit
Connor and Lilly playing Heart and Soul. (They will be going on tour this summer)
Now that Lilly is crawling, she goes to A LOT of places and gets into things I never even thought of! I love this new stage! It's so fun to watch her learn and grow every day! Here are just a few pictures of her favorite places.
The dishwasher
Under the computer (of course she is willingly getting out when I am trying to take a pic!)
The shower. She loves to get in it when the water is running or when it's not!
This isn't a place she'll go, it's a place she would rather not go! I thought the picture was cute! She always stands up and cries to get out of her crib as if she is in jail!