1) January 31st: My side of the family shower. Hosted by my dear Aunt Sherri, Cousins Carla and Emmie Sue, Aunt Mary Sue, Mom, and Sister Andrea. The decorations were SO cute! Everything was pink, brown, and green to match my (or Lilly's) crib set! We had a lot of yummy food. Ribbon sandwiches made by my mom using pink bread!, salads, veggies, and yummy sugar cookies! So many of my sweet relatives came and we had A LOT of FUN! We mingled, ate, played games, and opened presents! We were given so many wonderful presents! This girl is going to be the best dressed baby in town! Almost all of the clothes are pink and brown!! Good thing I like pink and brown!:) My Aunt Debbie who lives in California crocheted Lilly the most BEAUTIFUL purple dress. We couldn't get over how FABULOUS it is! The picture doesn't even do it justice!! Thanks to everyone who came and for all of their generosity! I have the BEST family! Here are a few pictures I took at home. I had to get a picture of all of these presents.
2) February 7th: A friend shower hosted by my sister Andrea and sister-in-laws Shanna and Kimberly. The three of them were so nice to give me a shower. Again, this was A LOT of FUN! Shanna and Kimberly made me a diaper cake and a cupcake cake that looks like a rattle! They were both so cute! The only problem is that I don't want to take the diaper cake apart because it's so cute, so it's sitting on my kitchen table as my centerpiece! We had chicken salad sandwiches, veggies, chips, and cupcakes! We played more fun games and opened up more WONDERFUL presents! My sister is a little excited and gave us three bags of clothes!! They are so cute! It was good to visit with friends and family (my niece and cousin also came)! I didn't get a picture of all my presents but here are pictures of the cakes and decorations I stole from Shanna's blog!
3) February 10th: My Parents' Ward shower. Hosted by dear friends Jen James and Jan Riley. This was an open house, so a little different than the first two. Lots of people came and brought wonderful presents for us! A lot of people went in on a group gift and gave us a bunch of books (LOVE IT) and a gift card to get a play yard! We of course had yummy food, too!!! A pregnant girl can't get enough food!! Sorry, no pictures from this shower, but it was still fun!
I am so grateful for everyone and their generosity to us as we start out our little family!! We are loved by so many GREAT people! As my mother-in-law says, "Lilly is well LOVED!!" I like that instead of SPOILED!! I already have a whole closet full of clothes, toys, baby gear, etc, etc, etc!!
We are getting more and more excited about the arrival of the little princess!! Her room is painted, just needs some decorations, so I will post pics once it is more complete! I went to the dr.'s on Friday and he said everything is looking good. I had the "invasive" exam and he said I am not dilated, but am starting to thin! I will now visit him every week!!! I am starting to get a little nervous. I read the section in What to Expect When You're Expecting about Labor and Delivery and I was exhausted just from reading it!
Anyway, sorry about the looooong post, which I am not usually a fan of, but oh well!!